Cooking Tips
  • Folic acid is required for the multiplication and maturation of red cells.it's deficiency resulets in megaloblastic anaemia.fresh green vegetables,liver,pulses are good sources of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin C is involved in collagen synthesis,bone and teeth calcification and many other reaction in body as a reducing agent.it also helps absorption of dietary iron by keeping it in the reduced form,that,is in ferrous form.
  • Dry grain contain no vitamin C.however,when dry pulses and beans are allowed to germinate vitamin C is formed in the grain and the growing sprout,about 85%being present in the former and 15% in the later part.sprouted green gram is good source of vitamin
  • Vasoconstrictor action of nicotin,reduces oxygen supply to heart,elevates B.P and increases heart rate.it also increases clotting of blood in blood vessels by affecting the coagulation of blood.
  • Moderate alcohol intake raisesHDL cholesterol levels and which in turn reduce the risk of developing atherosclerotic piaque.however,large intake of alcohol may interrupt heart rhythm.